Neighborhood Strategies, an outpatient behavioral mental health division of Public Strategies, delivers youth and family focused services in the Douglass Middle and High Schools, along with the four elementary feeder schools (MLK, Parks, Moon, and Edwards). Through this program, students receive individual and group therapy, as well as individual and group rehabilitation services in a school setting before, during, and after the school day.
The primary goal of Neighborhood Strategies is to reduce truancy, suspension, expulsion, and misbehavior while teaching appropriate social behaviors and coping skills. Neighborhood Strategies employs school-based Therapists and contract Behavioral Health Rehabilitations Specialists who work closely with students to teach life skills such as anger management, impulse control, improved communications, socialization, and decision-making.
Neighborhood Strategies staff engage in activities that directly impact youth behavior, providing both therapeutic services and positive role modeling. Staff regularly cooperates with school principals to keep students in a supervised learning environment versus out-of-school suspension, and offer social rehabilitation services to include a variety of positive youth development activities such as one-on-one meetings, group activities, and field trips.